Sunderland Male Voice Choir
(Formerly known as Shiney Row Male Voice Choir)
We Rejoice in Singing

The Right Worshipful Mayor of the City of Sunderland,
Patron of Sunderland Male Voice Choir
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The Hendon Project

Hendon - Heart of Shipbuilding

Sunderland Male Voice Choir has started an exciting music creation project in Hendon thanks to a generous anonymous £2,000 donation from the community.

The Choir will be creating a series of new songs on the heritage and people of Hendon, which is at the heart of the original Sunderland. 'The Hendon Project' will initially consider music of the following themes:

The Early Community of Sunderland

Hendon - Heart of Shipbuilding

Seventeen Nineteen (Holy Trinity Church)

The Sunderland Barracks

The Victoria Hall Disaster

Sunderland Male Voice Choir is looking to secure additional funding which should allow the creative work to be extended to at least the following themes:

The Hendon Seafarers Mission

The Port of Sunderland

The Choir is planning to showcase the new music when it is developed in a Charity Concert, which is being proposed at Seventeen Nineteen.

Saturday 26 Oct 24 7:00 pm
Joint Concert (provisional)
SMVC+Dalesmen Singers
Venue: ? Whitby

Sunday 15 Dec 24 5:30 pm
City of Sunderland
Mayors Carol Concert
Venue: Sunderland Minster, 309 High St W, Sunderland SR1 3ET, UK

Saturday 21 Dec 24 7:00 pm
Joint Christmas Concert
SMVC + Music Makers
Venue: St Chads

Saturday 1 Mar 25 7:00 pm
140 Year Usworth Colliery Disaster Memorial
Venue: Holy Trinity Church, Peareth Hall Road, High Usworth, Washington, NE37 1NR

Booking the Choir

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Sunderland Male Voice Choir - A friendly community choir based in the North East of England